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How to Apply for Y10

The UTC has fewer students and smaller class sizes than most ‘ordinary’ schools. This provides the time and resources for us to get to know each student individually, leads to the development of positive and supportive relationships between students and staff, and creates a close-knit and supportive community. For this reason, we only have 120 spaces available in year 10 next September.

We are operating a waiting list that is open to all unsuccessful applicants. Please inform us as soon as possible by emailing if you would like your child to be placed on the waiting list. 

Joining the UTC in year 10 is a big decision for a young person and based on past evidence we would expect a few students to change their mind prior to September. For this reason, it is likely that places will become available at a later date. 

An applicant’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with our over-subscription criteria. The following criteria in rank order will be used to allocate places: 

1.       Applicants who are, or who have previously been, in public care. 

2.       Applicants whose siblings already attend the UTC and continue to do so on the date of admission.  

3.       Applicants whose parents/carers are employed directly by the UTC. 

4.       Other students. 

At the end of each calendar month we will review if there are any places available. Priority will be given to students that meet the above criteria, and from then on places will be randomly allocated.

A great many thanks to students/parents who have applied for our September 2023 year 10 cohort. With such a vast interest in joining Lincoln UTC next year, we have decided to now close our online applications as we have reached a reached a full admissions group, with an extensive waiting list.

If you have any questions about the online admissions process please contact us at either or on 01522 775990.

Click here to apply online for Y10


How to Apply for Y12

The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for year 12 is 120. This is a minimum number of places that will be made available to external applicants. In the event that fewer than 120 of the UTC’s year 11 students transfer into year 12, additional external students will be admitted until year 12 meets its maximum capacity of 140.

Lincoln UTC has historically had a higher proportion of students (higher than national average) who have succeeded in securing apprenticeships and who have chosen to follow this pathway in preference to sixth form studies. It would, therefore, be expected that the number of places available to external applicants will be normally be greater than the minimum PAN of 20. External applicants considering the UTC for their sixth form studies should not be deterred by the apparently low admissions number.

Click here to apply online for Y12

If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of our application form or have any questions about the online admissions process please contact us at either or on 01522 775990.