In a recent Ofsted inspection Lincoln UTC has been praised for ‘outstanding’ student development, behaviour and welfare, for ‘outstanding’ leadership, and for an ‘outstanding’ post-16 study programme.
Lincoln UTC places a strong emphasis on supporting student’s aspirations and career destinations with high-quality advice and guidance. Ofsted highlight that the majority of our students who apply for higher education courses secure their first-choice placement, and many are also very successful in securing prestigious apprenticeships.
Specific recognition is given in the report to the impeccable behaviour of students in response to the close support, care and guidance afforded to them by staff. Students at Lincoln UTC have exceptionally positive attitudes towards learning; they are diligent, polite and respectful. Expectations are set consistently high, and our students respond to this with enthusiasm and commitment.
Our ethos is described by Ofsted as being ‘exceptionally positive, underpinned by a strong set of values to which all members of the college community subscribe’. Students recognise Lincoln UTC as a welcoming and inclusive place to be, and many who spoke with inspectors expressed that the move to study with us was one of the best decisions they had made. The overwhelming majority of parents that responded to Ofsted’s online survey would recommend the college…they recognise the extra mile staff will go in order to ensure our student’s academic, social and emotional well-being.
The overall effectiveness of Lincoln UTC was judged by Ofsted to be ‘good’…with many aspects described as remarkable, impeccable or exceptional.
To read the full report visit: here.
The report can also be read on the Ofsted website here.
Ofsted Section 8 inspection December 2024 Ofsted December 2024