“It’s not how hard you hit …”
I often take inspiration from and quote from the works of famous authors and classic literature. I don’t think that, before now, I would have considered Sylvester Stallone as a sage or a wordsmith. I am, however, reminded of the words of Rocky Balboa when he said:
“It ain’t about how hard you hit: It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.”
When I look at our students I am humbled by their fortitude and resilience. They are a generation whose experience and education have been hit so much over the last few years. It has been wonderful this year to see them ‘come back fighting’.
As we go into the half term break, we are two weeks into a five-week examination season. Our students have, without exception, been exemplary in their conduct and their preparation for these exams. They are a credit to themselves and to you, as parents and carers.
I would encourage all students to strike a balance over the break. Revision and preparation for the exams that are still to come is important but it is equally important to carve out some time for rest and relaxation.
I look forward to the results days in the summer and have a lovely image of students running up our front steps, punching the air in celebration.
Sweaty, grey, track suits and hoodies (for anybody wanting to recreate the Rocky moment) are optional.
Best of luck. Be kind to yourself. Keep moving forward.
Principal of Lincoln UTC