As the latest Coronavirus measures take effect, it could be argued that the only certainty is the continuing uncertainty. It is heartening that the politicians on all sides seem to have one thing that they agree on which is the importance of keeping schools open. We have been told that the GCSE and A Level exams will go ahead in the summer, albeit slightly later and with a more ‘compressed’ programme’. The additional three weeks (due to the delayed start) will be some help for students in preparing for the exams but it will not fully compensate for the impact of last year’s lockdown.
One of our goals, here at the UTC, is to prepare students for the world of work. The world of work has, for so many people, changed dramatically since March. Working from home, either wholly or for part of the week, is the new norm in so many sectors and education is no exception.
We have had a great half term. Our new students have settled in well and are working hard. Students and staff alike are happy to be back in the UTC. We are currently making plans to return to our full timetable in January but throughout November and December we will be continuing with our staggered day and the smaller class sizes.
Our ‘Covid-cautious’ timetable is working well but there is
no escaping the fact that the students currently have a shorter day than
normal. If students are to achieve their potential in this year’s examinations
they will, like so many people in employment, have to accept that some working
from home may be a vital part of the mix. We will not be setting homework for
homework’s sake, as some schools do, but we would urge all students, over the
coming months, to reflect on their working practices and set aside some time
for independently consolidating on the work they do whilst they are on-site. We
will continue to support students in every way we can but, now more than ever,
a little independence and self-discipline will be the key to success.
John Morrison
Principal of Lincoln UTC